Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back from the dark

I've never felt God's presence so strong for so long.
The worship night with Sidney Mohede at DUMC tonight, made my life turned back on Jesus.

I could hear so loud and clear, that He speaks, "I cover your fall"
I did fall so hard, that I'm so embarrassed about. But I didn't know that Jesus covers it for me.
when i found out the truth, that He covers my sin, I'm so moved so deeply... I was like a "Gong" and i've been smashed so hard.

I was waken up so hard, that i gotta take this change radically.
I was so burned up, that I've committed in heart that I would try my hard to seek His kingdom and the truth.

this year, that was the night I felt His love again, and for true this time.
i could sing new song frm my heart during the praise & worship. a song that i never thought before.

i hope i can write them down and make a song, a song for Him.